E-Commerce has become a massive part of everyday life nowadays. E-Commerce allows people to make purchases on a website. E-commerce makes selling products and services online possible through payments using credit card, EFT and Paypal facilities. The online shopping experience has changed the way the world does business, allowing users in previously inaccessible areas to become part of the online shopping experience.
We provide customers with e-commerce solutions that sell products and services online or systems that charge customers for subscription based services. Monzamedia has extensive experience with intergrating into various payment gateways.
At Monzamedia, we are able to offer clients two kinds of E-Commerce solutions. Our off the shelf E-commerce solutions are robust in that they offer a variety of extensions/plugins that make the E-Commerce solution comprehensive. Alternatively, the bespoke E-Commerce offering is dedicated to building a very specific solution that runs exactly as per the clients requirements.
For more information on the E-Commerce offering, please contact info@monzamedia.com