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Glider Eyewear

Glider Eyewear can be found at selected optometrists, YDE and Truworths nationwide. The brand has an extensive range of exciting and quality sunglasses.

Glider Eyewear is positioned as stylish, durable sunglasses that can be regularly worn by active, indoor or outdoor people. These sunglasses are affordable and are "on trend" with the latest international styles and fashion.

A critical element was for Monzamedia to ensure that the website was fully Responsive, thereby working 100% efficiently on mobile, tablets as well as desktop versions. The design and programming of the website had to strongly relate to the ethos of the brand.

The admin section of the website was built in a robust and logical manner to make updating and controlling of the website easy for Glider admin staff. The system is also build with future growth and expansion in mind.

A great brand to deal with and very friendly and efficient management and staff!